Lisa Audio Player

Lisa audio players for high-quality business audio
The Lisa LCD and Lisa Compact are the next generation of professional internet streaming audio players. Each is a fully autonomous working IP-audio receiver, able to tune in to webcasts of internet radio stations and audio distributors. They can be integrated into your standard network and managed remotely across our Claudio device portal, or through your own portal.
Music can be streamed across the web or stored on a play list locally on the SD card, with new playlists updated after opening hours.
A large 1.5 MB audio buffer gives rock solid streaming reliability so that even when the internet goes down, Lisa just plays on! Fully autonomous operation ensures that the systems restart and reconnect automatically after a power failure.
Configurations can be stored on an SD card, or remotely with remote monitoring and remote software updates. The software enables four different feature sets: Basic, Plus, SD and Ultimate:
Basic | SD | Plus | Ultimate | |
MP3 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
AAC, AAC+, Ogg Vorbis | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Streaming | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Store-and-forward & fallback | ✓ | ✓ |
Key features
- Features an advanced 18-bit DA converter with 94 dB SNR.
- Includes an advanced task scheduler, self-diagnostic tools, and audio file encryption.
- Offers a user-friendly configuration wizard for language, network, time/date, audio settings, and security.
- Utilizes the Lisa Configuration Tool (LCT) for Windows-based management.
- Encrypts all connections with TLS/HTTPS for maximum security.

Lisa LCD is the most fully featured streaming audio player available and fits in a 19-inch rack with optional kit. The control panel with LCD screen makes for easy control on the work floor – with the option of switching manually between internet streams or playlists downloaded to an SD card from a webserver.
Lisa Compact incorporates all Lisa LCD’s major features but is physically smaller and for remote operation, for when no local manual switching is needed.

Lisa iRadio turns your Lisa audio player into an internet radio receiver. This gives you access to tens of thousands of radio stations from around the globe. The huge streams catalogue is curated to comprise only working streams supported by the Lisa. Employing the power of Claudio to propagate stream changes to your player’s configuration makes broken links obsolete.

Lisa Starter kit is a great way to learn about our system and get your audio stream up and running – in just a few clicks. You get a central Lisa LCD player, plus a Lisa Compact with two 32 GB SD cards, a Lisa Quick Start Guide, and an optional Claudio test account.

Streamit rackmount kit The Lisa LCD is designed for easy mounting in conventional 19 inch racks. For rack mounting, the Streamit Rackmount kit is required. With one kit, it is possible to mount either one or two Lisa LCD and/or Iris Pro devices in a 19 inch rack.

Streamit remote control It is possible to control the Lisa using an infrared (IR) remote control. You can use the Streamit remote control, or you can program your own remote control. Before an IR remote control can be used, the IR receiver must be enabled.